MOLDER’s sophomore album, Engrossed In Decay, found the Joliet, IL Death Metal outfit making no-bones about their obsession with all things decomposing back in 2022. Picking up right where they left off, Molder are set to reanimate the dead in 2024 with their forthcoming third album, Catastrophic Reconfiguration, due for release via Prosthetic Records on November 8.

For the art, which has always been arranged by Pooley, he brought Mexican oil painter, Julian Felipe Mora Ibañez to the group, which they all agreed would be perfect. “The art concept for this record sort of follows the same as Engrossed, but this time rather than a death through decay, it’s a rebirth in it,” remarked Pantke. “We wanted it to pay homage to the works of Mental Funeral or Dark Recollections, amongst other things of course, but those two references definitely shine through on this particular piece. As far as colors go, we really wanted it to by a nice companion piece to the last record, without completely repeating it.”

INFERNO will be unleashing new designs for the album on Halloween!


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